Friday 2 August 2013

Healthy Brain Foods to improve your memory

Our brain is one of the most overworked organs which was essential for our survival, not just that it was the organ accountable for our thinking processes, but additionally it was in charge on regulating,controlling and commanding certain functions in our organs. It is also the organ who doesn’t sleep, for this needs to maintain the function of the involuntary actions of other organs. So that it does need the proper nutrition to keep it in a good condition, thus using a good internal and external body functions too.

Have some of these in your diet:

Oily Fishy
Efa's, particularly omega-3, cannot be supplied by your body and it is abundant in the oil of fishes. It has EHA and DHA. People with DHA levels have greater risk of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease and loss of memory. Omega-3 takes care not just of the heart but also from the brain.

Whole grain products

When you think of carbs, the very first that comes to mind is energy. Yes, your mind, like the rest of your body, requires energy to operate. And what gives you your needed energy? Yes, carbs. The sufficiency of glucose within our blood to the brain provides for us the ability to concentrate and focus well by giving steady supply of energy.

Tomatoes are full of lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that stops cell damages. It is a useful gizmo against the occurrence of dementia, especially of Alzheimer’s.

Vitamin B
Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid reduce amounts of homocysteine in the blood. High amounts of homocysteine heighten the risk of stroke, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s.

Delicious berries pack a punch within the nutritional stakes and are also fantastic to enhance the signals in your brain and keeping the memory sharp. Sprinkle berries on yoghurt and you’ve had a brain boosting duo - as yoghurt is full of calcium and can improve nerve function.

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