Saturday 17 August 2013

Great Stretching Exercises for Lower Back Pain

It is very important to stretch pre and post any exercise regimen and for a lower back pain sufferer it is more important compared to person without back pain. Throughout an acute episode of lower back exercise regimen so they will relax and subsequently reduce lower back pain.
pain your muscles can become very tight and spastic. It is crucial to stretch these muscles just before an

The Double Knee Hug
With this exercise, you need to lie lying on your back, with your knees are bent toward you. Make use of your arms to bring both of the knees to your chest. Relax and assume it for 30 seconds to one minute. Women that are pregnant and those who experience pain upon performing the stretch should avoid doing this exercise.

Cat Stretch
If you're the type who works no time at all in the office, then you can expect back pains to shoot up soon. Relieve the pain immediately using the cat stretch. To perform, convey a mat on the floor and get doggystyle. Make sure your back is flat. Relax your to take on a concave position while you lift your head up high. Next, stretch your back outwards to get at the convex position as you bow your face down.

Up Dog Stretch
Up Dog is really a Yoga position that has been accustomed to relieve lower back pain. It also helps prevent back injuries, based on Yogis. To perform the Up Dog stretch, you have to lie face down, making sure your legs and arms are extended. Stretch out your elbows together with your palms firmly planted on the ground while extending your back fully.

Back Rotation Stretch
This stretch is yet another floor exercise that can relieve back aches right away. To perform, lie in your mat with your knees bent as well as your soles planted flat on the ground. Lower your legs carefully and direct these to your right side. At the same time frame, rotate your head to your left, preserving your shoulders in contact with the ground. Breathe and relax while you hold the position for Thirty seconds to one minute.

Chair Rotation Stretch
In case your work life is too hectic, you'll be able to do the chair rotation stretch for a few minutes in the office. Sit on your swivel chair (but any kind of office chair will do), making sure your posture is ideal and your feet firmly planted on the floor. Turn your upper body right, using your left hand to reach the armrest or back of the swivel chair. Hold it for 30 seconds to a minute.

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