Wednesday 28 August 2013

Amazing Benefits of Fiber Diet for Health

Fibers are resistant substances present in plants consisting of complex carbohydrates. Fiber is degradation resistant, meaning it can't be digested, although bacteria within the large intestine can degrade some types of fiber. There are two types of fiber Body which dissolves in water and also the other which does not. Main causes of soluble fiber are fruits, vegetables, nuts, brown rice, seeds, oat, barley and rice bran, peas and peas, and these fibers control the amount of cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Health Benefits:

Controls Weight 
A high-fiber weight loss program is a big player in weight reduction and weight maintenance. Because foods full of fiber are more dense, they take more time to chew and longer to digest meaning they give our brains time to register that we’re full and, therefore, we consume less food.

Lowers Cholesterol
Fiber is much more than just filling. It also acts just like a sponge when it travels with the intestines. Dietary fiber absorbs fats along with other particles that can cause plaque formation within the arteries before they have a opportunity to enter the bloodstream.

Digestive System
Chewing lasts longer, so more salivary and gastric juice is produced. Thus dental plaque and decay are reduced and also the person gets the feeling of being full sooner. High fiber weight loss program is also responsible for the speed of digestion and evacuation. 

Blood sugar levels control
Diets high in fiber help control glucose levels. This type of diet can also reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

Reduced cancer risk
High-fiber diets may also reduce your risk of cancer, especially colon and breast cancer.

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