Monday 16 September 2013

Why You Should Eat Raw Garlic Daily

Garlic is a vegetable and is a species of the onion genus. Garlic is often used to add flavor to recipes and dishes. However, garlic can also be used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of aliments and diseases.

Garlic cloves contain many vital nutrients including vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. Garlic contains sulfur compounds from the amino acid allicin, which is most noted for producing garlic’s powerful odor.

Health Benefits of Garlic:

Reduces Cancer risk:
Garlic has certain specific properties that diminish the risk of gastric cancer in particular. Eating garlic can shield you against this fatal disease.

Cholesterol Levels:
Consumption of garlic is known to manage the cholesterol levels of your body. This bulb has the unique property of thwarting the formation of cholesterol gallstones in your body. Garlic will reduce the bad cholesterol formed in your body and bring relief to the problem.

Garlic Prevents Cancer:
Increased intake of garlic has been found to be associated with the reduced risk of certain cancers. This includes cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.

Fights off Common Cold:
The role of garlic in fighting common cold. It is believed that eating garlic when you feel you’re going to get a cold, reduces the severity of the same. Regularly consuming a couple of cloves can drastically increase your immunity to fight the cold.

Garlic Boosts Your Immune System:
Garlic is effective at preventing and treating the common cold. It found that those who consumed garlic had significantly fewer colds and the length of their cold was shortened compared to those who did not eat garlic.

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