Tuesday 25 June 2013

How To Keep your Skin Glowing During Monsoon

After a hot and sweaty summer, the monsoon may come as a relief but the humid and damp weather requires a toll on the skin and eyes. Experts advise how small alterations in the skin care routine throughout the
season can keep the skin glowing and eyes fresh.

Monsoon brings humidity and it is bad news for all type of skins:
Oily Skin
Your skin type is mainly the result of genetically determined hormonal changes. To deal with oily skin one needs to remove excess oil by cleansing it two or three times a day, but not more than that.

Limit washing the face to two or three times each day as too much washing will excite your skin to produce more oil. Avoid heavy cleansing creams. Scrub the face on a regular basis. This will help unclog the pores and take away the layer of dead cells out of your skin.

It is advised to make use of warm water while washing face because it dissolves skin oil much better than lukewarm or cold water. Apart from that, one also uses mud-pack. Homemade pack created using Chane ka atta and raw milk can help to keep skin refreshing and glowing.

Dried-out skin
Dryness is a sign of dehydration and insufficient skin repairing vitamins. During monsoon the issue worsens. One requires cream based cleanser.

A moisturizer boosts the water content of the surface layers of the skin and gives it a gentle, moist look and it is always advised one with dried-out skin opt for alcohol free toner, apply glycerin and rose water mixture to help keep skin soft.

Combination Skin
This kind of skin is characterised using the T-portion as oily and the cheeks are often normal or dry in condition. Because it combines both the oily and dried-out skin it should be treated as if it were two various kinds of skin.

The dry area requires gentle cleansing and regular moisturizing. The oily part must be deeply cleansed and toned with regular scrubbing.

Moonsoon also brings skin ailment
Fungal and bacterial infections are typical during rainy season. Moist and damp skin results in these infections. Also, you can get rashes and ringworm and even skin gets discoloured.

Keeping your body dry is the basic tip to tackle the infections. Change to cotton clothes as they let your body to breathe. Allow damp hair to dry before you decide to tie them again. To avoid allergies from mosquito bites, wear full-sleeved clothes and employ a mosquito repellent cream and go to air-conditioned rooms. Bathe twice a day to help keep the problems at bay.

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