Thursday 30 May 2013

Tips for a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time to celebrate. Try these 7 quick tips to ensure a safe, happy and healthy pregnancy.

1. Book a pregnancy yoga class
There’s nothing better than stretching when your belly is growing. Gentle exercise during pregnancy
will help to strengthen your muscles and joints, increase your stamina, boost your mood and help manage stress levels. It will also improve circulation, which will help the healing process after birth.

Now is not the best time to start an intensive exercise program, but keep up what you were doing before you became pregnant (with the exception of contact sports). Walking, swimming and prenatal yoga are all great exercises and strengthening your pelvic floor will help support the weight of your growing baby.

2. Look after your teeth
If you’re trying to conceive, take a trip to your dentist before you fall pregnant. You may not feel like having treatment once you are and it’s better to avoid dental x-rays during pregnancy.

Some women suffer from gingivitis - bleeding and swelling of the gums – when they’re pregnant. This can be caused by an increase of blood supply to your mouth as well as an increase in progesterone levels. This makes your teeth and gums more vulnerable to bacteria in plaque.

3. Treat yourself 
Fancy some guilt-free shopping? Now is a great time to treat yourself to some new lingerie, especially a pregnancy or pregnancy/nursing bra. For many women their breasts grow substantially when they’re pregnant and again when their milk comes in so they need extra support. Bras with underwire are not advised as they can obstruct the developing milk ducts and have been implicated in the occurrence of mastitis (painful block ducts with flu-like symptoms). You may need to be fitted for new bras several times during your pregnancy.

4. Switch wine for water
Drinking alcohol when you’re pregnant may harm your baby so the safest and recommended option is not to drink any alcohol at all. Caffeine is thought to be okay in small amounts – around two or three cups of coffee a day maximum – and if you fancy a cup of tea always drink tea made with a filtered teabag. Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint (for heartburn and indigestion), fruit teas, ginger (for morning sickness) or jasmine are good alternatives to caffeinated drinks but enjoy them in moderation. If you’re really thirsty, stick to water!

5. Get someone else to clean up after kitty
If you’ve got a family cat at home it’s important to be careful how you handle and look after them when you’re pregnant. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite that can be carried by cats and passed through in their faeces. You may become infected by cleaning up the kitty litter or coming into contact with dirt where cats might have been, including garden soil. While cats are a common source of toxoplasmosis, the parasite can also infect birds, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and poultry. Ask someone else to clean up after kitty for the next few months.

6. Swap heels for flats 
As your bump grows your centre of gravity changes and can leave you feeling a little off-balance. Put your high heels aside and stick to flats to avoid a tumble. You may also find your feet swell towards the end of your pregnancy so stick to comfortable shoes.

7. Have a mother’s meeting
Too much advice can be overwhelming, but having a few friends who are already mums or also pregnant, can be great. Spend time with them and use each other as sounding boards as you navigate the unfamiliar territory of your first pregnancy.

Fresh tip: Avoid brushing your teeth for at least 30 minutes after you’re sick or have reflux so the enamel has time to recover. Try rinsing your mouth with water instead or rub fluoride toothpaste on your teeth. This will refresh your mouth and strengthen enamel. And don’t worry there is no truth in the old wives tale, ‘a tooth lost with every pregnancy’.

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