Monday 27 May 2013

Myths To Regarding Weight Loss

So, you are doing everything to get a lissome body. You are sticking to the diet chart, taking regular walks and even sweating it out at the gym. But you don’t see much difference in yourself. Well, that could be because you aren’t eating right even though you are religiously following your chart. You
might be wondering how such an implausible thing is possible. Let us point out a few myths that people adhere to while maintaining their diet that instead of chucking kilos, add to them.

Having small meals throughout the day
Now there is nothing wrong with that as the motive behind this is to curb your craving for food by keeping your stomach satiated. But more often than now, women get carried away and transform these small meals into large ones. Guilty pleasure? Yeah, we guess so but while it is pleasuring you, it is flattering your flabs too. You might end up putting on 400 calories! So, if you have a chart that has all the food items you are supposed to consume neatly positioned, just blindly follow it and you will get fixed.

Pep Up The Salad
It can be very distressing to gobble up all greens sometimes as they are mostly tasteless but are very helpful to reduce weight. Many a times, people add various junk to the salad to spruce it up. Now, there is no doubt that the food on your platter looks palatable but remember, it also will spruce up your calorie intake meter. No need to worry, there is a way to eat healthy and also tasty food. Sprinkle some pepper over it or garnish it with low fat stuff which has less salt and sugar and you are sorted.

Avoid Energy Boosters
Often people advise to consume chocolate bars or protein shakes to infuse instant energy in you. Now, that part of the purpose is definitely achieved by having them but apart from boosting your energy, it also boosts the calorie levels in your body as they are high on sugar and carbs. Truth be told, they don’t even work as meal supplements. So, it is wise to stay away from such energy drinks. Instead go for natural way of fueling your energy. Have almonds, carrots, oranges and other fruits to keep a check on your cravings and also infuse your body with some much needed agility.

Diet Soda Is Not Necessarily Good
This could be the biggest myth breaker here that diet sodas don’t actually reduce your weight. It’s just an illusion that they can bring down your calorie levels. On the contrary, surveys suggest, they just make you more obese and also end up harming your heart. You can easily replace them with Green Tea which is both refreshing, cuts down on your calories and also strengthens your immunity against ailments. Also, there are vegetable juices and low fat content milk for you to choose from.

Be True To Yourself
A few people suddenly realize that it is time they lose the excess weight and jump into a dietary schedule that plays havoc with their body. The first step that they take up in this regard is by starving themselves. People, there are no quick fixes to a problem that has been created over many years. You need to stay true to your determination to lose weight and be prepared to do everything it takes to achieve that. Set goals you know you can achieve. Losing weight is nothing less than a planned exercise and so don’t rush into things. Work towards it slowly and steadily without putting your body to task.

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